Its the end of Janurary! Ive been away almost a month now, and things have been going pretty well so far I think - seen loads of cool things and had some excellent adventures. Despite this, theres a few things that are starting to be missed from Blighty*, and I thought Id share them with you:
We all know I love pies, sausage rolls and meat/pastry combinations in general. While the food in America has been both varied and tasty, Im still missing the greggs lunch. Theres something about getting Ribena, a pasty and a sandwich (for under a fiver) that always gets me excited, but there just isnt a market for such goodness over here... International Pi day is the 14th March - it may be my only chance to spread the love of REAL pies.
Adam and Joe
After a hard weeks working and a hard nights drinking, there is nothing I loved more on a saturday morning than turning on the radio and listening to the Adam and Joe show. This one may technically not count as the shows on a break for most of the year, but its my list and I get to choose.
From the joy of being awake early enough for the black squadron command right through to Boggins (Im pro btw), the show was actually one of the highlights of my week. Adam and Joe finished up for a while to concentrate on bigger things (Joes co-writing one of the new tintin films), but I love them and I miss them.
The BBC not having adverts
Because BBC America is a commercial, and not a public service, broadcaster, they are allowed to have adverts in the U.S. Now I havent really watched the channel too much but I suspect that wont be a bother, however, My internet homepage is the bbs news site. Its just confusing! I keep seeing things I think are articles only to be offered something at a reasonable price.
The Daily Mail
Ok mabey I dont miss this one, but Im in America - this counts as news here!
* Please note, that my girlfriend, family and friends are CLEARLY more missed than anything on this list, but for some reason dont seem nearly as interesting to write about on a blog read by them.
Top Five Films of 2014
10 years ago
Greggs is awful! I will teach you about proper pies when you get back