Hello there. Long time no speak...
At the start of last year, I went around America for 3 months, and left occasional posts on where I went, what I did, and some really nonsensical stuff too.
I never finished the blog, mostly due to extreme apathy on my return to the UK. In the months after arriving, my life changed enormously. In rapid succession a long term relationship ended, I got a big job, and I moved to London.
So why the post now? Well, I'm in Italy! I'm on a 2 week trip that's quite similar in terms of content to the US roadtrip, so I thought I'd start up again. I'll be doing a few posts over the next few weeks on places like Rome, Florence and Venice, amongst others.
There's another difference as well - I have a friend with me! He goes by the name of Baldie, and differs from me in that he has actual organisational skills. As a result, there should (hopefully) be less last minute desperate searches to find a hostel, and more sightseeing and drinks.
I hope you enjoy the next few weeks with this blog active again! I got loads of goodwill and feedback from the last one. As a result I'll be aiming to keep the spirit of the Grayhound alive, even if I'm travelling by train this time...
One more thing. I do believe I set a competition question that never got resolved. The answer was that I visited 24 states in total, and the winner was Andrew Stothers! He was notified of this not long after I got back, and he won a history of the US in chocolate, and an 'I love new york' mug. I think. It was a long time ago.
Top Five Films of 2014
10 years ago
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