Ive never been good at breakfast. A bad habit I used to have during my later school years was to get up 5 minutes before the bus left, then get ready and leg it downstairs - which left no time for breakfast. This carried on through University, despite frequently having more time in the morning. When working full time last year I genuinely thought I'd beaten the trend, only to settle for getting a snack on my morning break. Its not good for me, and I know it. Recently though, Ive been getting up every morning for a good full breakfast. It seems that nothing motivates more than the prospect of a free breakfast...
I have noticed a lot of difference in the concept of a breakfast over here. For a start Americans really have no idea what they are missing with proper bacon. What the fuck is streaky bacon? It ruins the taste of bacon for the sake of apprearance. Yes, you can pick it up and eat it with your hands, but its really not in the same league. On the subject of fried breakfasts, why does everything have cheese on top? A sausage and egg roll is perfectly fine on its own, why the cheese? Everywhere here does it, its not even an optional extra!
Im being harsh of course, pancakes are a regular feature of the American breakfast. So are bagels, french toast (glorified eggy bread) and bagels. I actually really enjoy the prominence of these on the breakfast menu, and maple syrup really is amazing. Several places Ive stayed have had 'make your own pancakes' for breakfast, and theres a chain restaurant here called the International House Of Pancakes, or IHOP, which I really wish we had back home.
One other staple breakfast over here is Biscuits and Gravy. Ive been avoiding this like the plague on principle, but was unforturnate enough to see it for the first time a few days ago. I was relieved to find out the biscuits werent digestives, but in fact some kind of scone type construction. Also the gravy really wasnt what I was expecting - it was cream with green bits in it. This faces me with a dilemma. Im of the school of thought that you cant fully criticize something till you have experienced it yourself. Case in point: When the BBC broadcast Jerry Springer: The Opera, very few of the protesters won any respect from me, because most of them had not seen the show. If you start your argument with the phrase 'I havent seen this, but...' then its not an argument, and you are an idiot. This means that for me to criticize biscuits and gravy in the way I want to, Im going to have to try it. If I dont post back within the week just assume its food poisoning.
Top Five Films of 2014
10 years ago
I havent seen Eddie Murphy's last few films, but they are shit!