The following rules apply:
1. All entries must be sent to with the files attached as JPEGS. If you don't know what a JPEG is, it's the format I'm giving you the photo in, so don't worry.
2. First person to get all 4 correct wins. If no-one does, then the first/closest/best person wins, as judged by me.
3. Please tell me your name when you email me!
4. All entries must be received by the 14th October
5. I can make up any rules I want.
6. The circle has to be reasonably small - if I think you're taking the piss I'll not let you win.
I'll announce the winner next time I go on holiday, but I'll tell the person who's won after I sort out the entries.
But what is the prize?!? Well, I don't know yet. It'll be some tat I pick up from the airport. Something DEFINITELY worth having.
I've put the pictures below, with a link to download them. Some are easier than others, but I'm wearing a red and white checked shirt that looks like a tablecloth in each to help you out. For the non techy amongst you, click on the link and you'll see a bigger image, right click on this and save the image to your computer. You can probably add a circle using paint.
Rome Download
Florence Download

Venice Download
Milan Download

I'll see you next time - GOOD LUCK!